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National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists School for the Visual Arts, New York City

SVA 2011 Border Crossings

SVA 2012 Noesis Becoming Noema

SVA 2013 Pareidolia Seeing

SVA 2014 Provocations

SVA 2015 Collaborations

SVA 2016 Why Study Art

Successful Fulbright-Hayes and NEH Oregon Council for the Humanities Grant Applications

1987-88 Fulbright Proposal; Costa Rica; Costa Rican Contemporary Art, Aesthetics, Theory, Praxis and Criticism

1994-95 Fulbright Senior Research Grant: Research in concepts of art among indigenous peoples of Central America

Report: 1994-95 Fulbright Proposal; Costa Rican Indigenous Art; mural.

1999-2000 Oregon Council for the Humanities; NEH.  Indigenous Art of Costa Rica: Notions of Contemporary Art and 1996 NEA; Oregon Council for the Humanities: Artistic Identity vis-a-vis Indigenous Costa Rican Image-Making Practices  OCH Final Report 1996

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